Woke up at 0900
1000 – 1010 – showered
1010-1033 – wrote a message to Tasha***
1033-1203 – helped Heidi get supplies for making cards
1203-1219 – talked to mike souse*** talked to Karen about project, read last bit of internet stuff until I am done shit. Talked to max** freed up time.
1219-1258 – more or less finished my debate
1258 – 1358 – lunch
1400-1430 – bombers
1430-1530 – revise some debate nonsense, read through, start up project work
1530-1649 – clean cans out of room and grabbing a beer , wasted time, watched bombers and 15 minute conversation with Craig
1650 – 1740 – worked on promotion project
1740- 1747 – cleaned room
1800-1950 – MontrĂ©al Canadiens
1950-1230 – Craig’s
1230-1330 fucking around online then went to bed.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Shit I did last night
Things I did tonight:
- Went to Heidi’s to visit, ate pizza, drank a glass of wine and started adding pictures to a slide show.
- Came home and messed around on the internet for 45 minutes
- Studied the first class of 4440 notes, readings and objectives for the prevention test next Tuesday
- Answered the emails that needed to be answered.
- Organized the land in my Magic cards (embarrassing distraction)
- Went over the second class of 4440 notes, readings and objectives.
- Went over the 1st and 2nd class notes and readings from 4420
- Reviewed 4th class notes and readings from 4420.
- Did tricep dips, situps and went for a walk
- Went to Heidi’s to visit, ate pizza, drank a glass of wine and started adding pictures to a slide show.
- Came home and messed around on the internet for 45 minutes
- Studied the first class of 4440 notes, readings and objectives for the prevention test next Tuesday
- Answered the emails that needed to be answered.
- Organized the land in my Magic cards (embarrassing distraction)
- Went over the second class of 4440 notes, readings and objectives.
- Went over the 1st and 2nd class notes and readings from 4420
- Reviewed 4th class notes and readings from 4420.
- Did tricep dips, situps and went for a walk
Monday, August 3, 2009
Chim Chim
Today I am starting the British Army's fitness program. This is definitely a commitment, and if nothing else, I will be able to catalogue my efforts going through the whole 16 week program. I actually started it halfway through last week, but I have decided to restart it today.
Even though I have not really lost ground in my seemingly endless quest to lose weight I just finished a month long break in working out so this guide came at a good time.
This is the plan for today.
• Walk-jog for 20 minutes (jog for 2min, walk for 2min, etc)
• 1 x press-up max score
• 2 x 5 dorsal raises
• 2 x 5 tricep dips
• 1 x sit-up max score
• Rest 30-90sec between sets
Wish me luck.
Even though I have not really lost ground in my seemingly endless quest to lose weight I just finished a month long break in working out so this guide came at a good time.
This is the plan for today.
• Walk-jog for 20 minutes (jog for 2min, walk for 2min, etc)
• 1 x press-up max score
• 2 x 5 dorsal raises
• 2 x 5 tricep dips
• 1 x sit-up max score
• Rest 30-90sec between sets
Wish me luck.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Needs to be said...
I am friends with this girl who I carpool 3 days a week with to school. She has a parking pass, I drive more often. It is a good system. The only problem is that she is one of the most hate filled people I have ever met. I mean, we are all cynical and neurotic to a degree. I can be an asshole too. The thing is, she secretly hates more or less everyone. She talks trash about every single person that we know. Almost everything makes her mad, and everything anyone says offends her.
I just kind of feel that I have to put this out there just to say that I do not condone her bullshit in any way at all. I want to make clear that i think the way she sees the world is contemptable.
This is for me more than anything, and I just needed to get this off my chest.
I just kind of feel that I have to put this out there just to say that I do not condone her bullshit in any way at all. I want to make clear that i think the way she sees the world is contemptable.
This is for me more than anything, and I just needed to get this off my chest.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Cult of Done
This is something I found recently and thought that it was necessary to post. I amd definitely starting to push more towards this. Trying to keep getting things done rather than sitting around and wasting time (blogging = doing something BTW (by the way, @Danica).
The Cult of Done Manifesto
1. There are three states of being. Not knowing, action and completion.
2. Accept that everything is a draft. It helps to get it done.
3. There is no editing stage.
4. Pretending you know what you're doing is almost the same as knowing what you are doing, so just accept that you know what you're doing even if you don't and do it.
5. Banish procrastination. If you wait more than a week to get an idea done, abandon it.
6. The point of being done is not to finish but to get other things done.
7. Once you're done you can throw it away.
8. Laugh at perfection. It's boring and keeps you from being done.
9. People without dirty hands are wrong. Doing something makes you right.
10. Failure counts as done. So do mistakes.
11. Destruction is a variant of done.
12. If you have an idea and publish it on the internet, that counts as a ghost of done.
13. Done is the engine of more.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Why hasn't America been attacked since 9/11?
Another great feature from one of my favorite sites Slate. This is a series that is looking at eight reasons why america hasn't been attacked from the least worrying to the most worrying. The articles are relatively short, considering the topic, but are very well put together and are the product of Timothy Noah's interviews with a bunch of terrorism experts.
They are posting one per day and are halfway through, but it takes no time at all to catch up and is definitely worth reading.
Why hasn't America been attacked?
They are posting one per day and are halfway through, but it takes no time at all to catch up and is definitely worth reading.
Why hasn't America been attacked?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
An awesome twitter post(s) about how the word meh is truly garbage!
hodgman: Did I ever tell you people how much I hate the word "meh"? Nothing announces "I have missed the point" more than that word. It is the essence of blinkered Internet malcontentism. And a rejection of joy... By definition, it may mean disinterest (although simple silence would be a more damning and sincere response, in that case) but in use, it almost universally seems to signal: I am just interested enough to make one last joyless, nitpicky swipe and then disappear.
hodgman: Did I ever tell you people how much I hate the word "meh"? Nothing announces "I have missed the point" more than that word. It is the essence of blinkered Internet malcontentism. And a rejection of joy... By definition, it may mean disinterest (although simple silence would be a more damning and sincere response, in that case) but in use, it almost universally seems to signal: I am just interested enough to make one last joyless, nitpicky swipe and then disappear.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Health "care"...
“They borrow leftover prescription drugs from friends, attempt to self-diagnose ailments online, stretch their diabetes and asthma medicines for as long as possible and set their own broken bones. When emergencies strike, they rarely can afford the bills that follow.”
“I could have gone to a major university for a year. Instead, I went to the hospital for two days.” Said Alanna Boyd of the nearly 17,500 she spent on her treatment.
Nicole Polec, a 28-year-old freelance photographer living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, said she has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and has a client who procures Ritalin on her behalf from a sympathetic doctor who has seen Ms. Polec’s diagnosis. Ms. Polec’s roommate, Fara D’Aguiar, 26, treated her last flu with castoff amoxicillin — “probably expired,” she said — given to her by a friend.
Source: New York Times
From time to time I am on the fence about the healthcare system, especially after seeing what they are doing in Finland with private hospitals. However, things like this are generally enough to send me back completely in the corner of socialized medicine. Obviously if there was any integrity in our government or that of the United States a two tiered system would probably work the best, but as it stands I have a feeling that it would probably end up a lot more like this garbage that is coming out of the USA.
If they did privatize our system or if I were forced to live in the United States uninsured, I would probably be in the same situation as these people. I hate going to the doctors as it is, although that is fading with my nursing education, but if I had to pay to go... Unless I was sure I was dying I think I would opt to save the money and take my chances with the internet and friends leftover meds.
Still, I feel the draw to maybe want to take part in privatized health care to some degree under my own terms. As it stands I may end up as a ward nurse for the rest of my days, but if all goes as planned and I become a nurse practitioner and have the opportunity to take part in a streamlined and helpful private practice. I am even interested in finding a way to start something up on my own if my position allows for this as I feel that with the right intentions it really could work. In the end though, who knows...
“I could have gone to a major university for a year. Instead, I went to the hospital for two days.” Said Alanna Boyd of the nearly 17,500 she spent on her treatment.
Nicole Polec, a 28-year-old freelance photographer living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, said she has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and has a client who procures Ritalin on her behalf from a sympathetic doctor who has seen Ms. Polec’s diagnosis. Ms. Polec’s roommate, Fara D’Aguiar, 26, treated her last flu with castoff amoxicillin — “probably expired,” she said — given to her by a friend.
Source: New York Times
From time to time I am on the fence about the healthcare system, especially after seeing what they are doing in Finland with private hospitals. However, things like this are generally enough to send me back completely in the corner of socialized medicine. Obviously if there was any integrity in our government or that of the United States a two tiered system would probably work the best, but as it stands I have a feeling that it would probably end up a lot more like this garbage that is coming out of the USA.
If they did privatize our system or if I were forced to live in the United States uninsured, I would probably be in the same situation as these people. I hate going to the doctors as it is, although that is fading with my nursing education, but if I had to pay to go... Unless I was sure I was dying I think I would opt to save the money and take my chances with the internet and friends leftover meds.
Still, I feel the draw to maybe want to take part in privatized health care to some degree under my own terms. As it stands I may end up as a ward nurse for the rest of my days, but if all goes as planned and I become a nurse practitioner and have the opportunity to take part in a streamlined and helpful private practice. I am even interested in finding a way to start something up on my own if my position allows for this as I feel that with the right intentions it really could work. In the end though, who knows...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Abstinent Bananas

So I don't have anything particularly mind-blowing or anything but this will have to do...
Obviously that is a lie. Prepare to have your mind blown, or at least distracted for a second. The "nerd merit badge"!
This badge pretty much has given me extra incentive to get down to 0 after about 3 months of having unread emails in my inbox.
SOURCE: BoingBoing
The End.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
25 things...
1. I drink on average 4 cups of coffee per day. I had my first real cup of coffee last year. I Can’t bring myself to put milk or sugar in coffee either.
2. I liked the new Star Wars movies.
3. I can blow smoke rings and this makes me awesome.
4. I haven’t had a glass of white milk for as long as my brain has been reliably storing memories. Seriously.
5. I haven’t worked since late September which is the first time I haven’t had a job since I was about 16.
6. I have tried to learn the guitar 3 times in the past 5 years (soon to be 4) and I haven’t stuck with it once.
7. I watched the entire first season of Lost in about 5 days.
8. I read or listen to at least two hours of news a day.
9. I am extremely distractible.
10. I am almost always moving or pacing or fidgeting with things.
11. My shortest relationship was about a month and my longest 4.5 years and counting.
12. I am kind of a hypochondriac but mainly for mental illnesses. I was convinced that I was developing schizophrenia while I was in high school.
13. I am a huge fan of night time and city lights. Seeing a huge downtown all lit up is amazing to me, it definitely puts me in awe of what humans can do.
14. I probably spend about 10-15 minutes of every hour studying fucking around on the internet.
15. I kind of plan out my life assuming that we will be living in a sort of post apocalyptic world by the time I am 35. I figure nursing will always be useful, I also hope to learn to grow my own food effectively, and want to learn to shoot a gun (or bow and arrow!) just in case.
16. I can’t fall asleep unless I am very tired so I generally do not get to bed before 12.
17. I think that French culture, history and language are awesome.
18. I have my grandma’s grandma’s prayer book from 1853.
19. I have a book of black and white/sepia pictures that my great grandpa took of around Winnipeg (including from the roof of the bay) all from around 1913.
20. Radiohead is my favourite band.
21. I had my first full alcoholic beverage when I was 19.
22. I get very anxious before any social gathering that I go to (barring those with my closest friends).
23. I habitually type lol about 100 times per hour of msn conversations.
24. Travel is one of my favourite things in the world.
25. I seriously doubt that there is a god, and will call myself an atheist, but I am more of an agnostic because even though there is an extremely small chance that there is a god why make a concrete statement about something that isn’t concrete.
2. I liked the new Star Wars movies.
3. I can blow smoke rings and this makes me awesome.
4. I haven’t had a glass of white milk for as long as my brain has been reliably storing memories. Seriously.
5. I haven’t worked since late September which is the first time I haven’t had a job since I was about 16.
6. I have tried to learn the guitar 3 times in the past 5 years (soon to be 4) and I haven’t stuck with it once.
7. I watched the entire first season of Lost in about 5 days.
8. I read or listen to at least two hours of news a day.
9. I am extremely distractible.
10. I am almost always moving or pacing or fidgeting with things.
11. My shortest relationship was about a month and my longest 4.5 years and counting.
12. I am kind of a hypochondriac but mainly for mental illnesses. I was convinced that I was developing schizophrenia while I was in high school.
13. I am a huge fan of night time and city lights. Seeing a huge downtown all lit up is amazing to me, it definitely puts me in awe of what humans can do.
14. I probably spend about 10-15 minutes of every hour studying fucking around on the internet.
15. I kind of plan out my life assuming that we will be living in a sort of post apocalyptic world by the time I am 35. I figure nursing will always be useful, I also hope to learn to grow my own food effectively, and want to learn to shoot a gun (or bow and arrow!) just in case.
16. I can’t fall asleep unless I am very tired so I generally do not get to bed before 12.
17. I think that French culture, history and language are awesome.
18. I have my grandma’s grandma’s prayer book from 1853.
19. I have a book of black and white/sepia pictures that my great grandpa took of around Winnipeg (including from the roof of the bay) all from around 1913.
20. Radiohead is my favourite band.
21. I had my first full alcoholic beverage when I was 19.
22. I get very anxious before any social gathering that I go to (barring those with my closest friends).
23. I habitually type lol about 100 times per hour of msn conversations.
24. Travel is one of my favourite things in the world.
25. I seriously doubt that there is a god, and will call myself an atheist, but I am more of an agnostic because even though there is an extremely small chance that there is a god why make a concrete statement about something that isn’t concrete.
Monday, February 2, 2009
So I have been casually smoking since the end of last February. This is not something I want to continue. I figure if I stopped now I could say that I smoked for less than a year. Also I will have the added benefit or a major decrease in chance of many cancers, strokes, high blood pressure, COPD etc etc.
For some reason my body doesn't really do anything when I stop smoking for a couple days so I can't imagine this will be very difficult at all.
So thats it for now....
Ta da!
For some reason my body doesn't really do anything when I stop smoking for a couple days so I can't imagine this will be very difficult at all.
So thats it for now....
Ta da!
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