Thursday, June 21, 2007

The first cullings...

Today is my first day in action. No chips, no fast food, no candy/chocolate bars etc. This seems easy, but I often buy a bag of small chips at work in the morning. Just saying this makes me glad that I won't be harming my body with junk food today.

Like most people I "hate" fast food. I mean, it makes me feel ill. The thing about fast food is that it is a comfort food and a guilty pleasure. Having learned that McDonald's, Burger King and Wendy's all have near bottom ratings in regards to the environment has really made it very easy to give it up mentally.

These things are all things that need to go immediately because these are things that I really do indulge in much more often than I would like to admit. You very easily can get caught in the cycle. Wake up late, and instead of rushing to make a lunch just give in. It is a very, "fuck it, I'm going to Macdonald's for breakfast" mindset.

NO MORE I say. So this will be the first test, and really, the decider on if I continue to write the blog. So far so good, but really... its been about 2 hours.

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