Sunday, July 15, 2007


I hate to say it but..... Since coming back from Folk fest, I have been more or less at the mercy of the small amount of food in my house, most of which I would rather not eat. I am hardly on the bandwagon, but rather than spiral into failure and obscurity I am going to take the chance to do some review and then make myself a religion style way to go about things.

So far, failures included, I have made some great changes. I have gone from eating fast food about three or four times a week to once a month. This was the biggest drain of all in my opinion. Not only is fast food terrible for the environment, but it is terrible for your health and your bank account. I have been saving around 60$ a paycheck and have noticeably brought my weight down to slightly above average.

Soft drinks are the next part of the success list (even if I just drank one). I literally have drank one or two soft drinks a day for the past 5 years. Since I have begun to try to change the way I live, I have cut that down to almost none. From the time I started the blog I had not drank any until this past week, and I have had about 3. While it is below the instant drop to zero I had planned, it is still quite good.

Chips are another issue for me, but in this category I had not eaten any chips whatsoever (well 20 chips the weekend I started) from the start of the blog until folk fest.

Everything else has been rather constant, and my showers have been both short, and recently, lukewarm at best. The next step being the fabled Navy Shower.

All in all, in writing this I am happy with my progress, but completely disappointed in my failures. As I have mentioned, without constantly updating the blog to remind myself it is much easier to stray from the path. From here, I am going to spend the rest of the day starting to formulate my quasi religious style rules and hope for the best.

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